Wellness Services




Amber Danks Massage Therapy and Cupping Services

After becoming a Certified Massage Therapist in 2012, Amber started off working in Massage Spas, practicing and refining the skills for the more luxurious and relaxing spa massage experience, then moving on to the Chiropractic office environment, she gained more knowledge and practice in Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, and the rehabilitation of injuries. From 2016-2020 she grew a steady private practice and eventually managed Sacred Roots Holistic Healing in Long Beach, a beautiful collective of skilled holistic practitioners. It was in these years and since that she has trained and stayed passionate about a myriad of modalities from Cupping Therapy, Reflexology, and Traditional Thai Massage, to name a few of her favorites.

Her practice is now at the Healer’s House studio in Costa Mesa where she blends her skills of Eastern and Western modalities to curate an experience that will move energetic stagnation and release physical tension held in the body. She incorporates conscious breathing, essential oils, clean and/or homemade massage products, and intention setting with her clients to add depth to their experience. The cherry on top for all of her sessions is that they are performed on a BioMat, A Far Infrared Ray and Negative Ion emitting mat that aids in the relief of stress, pain, and the symptoms of arthritis. 

Traditional Thai Massage

Thai massage uses moderate pressure and stretching techniques to bring the body into balance.  This modality is an ancient healing practice that originated in India and dates back to over 2,500yrs ago. During a traditional Thai session a client will lay on the floor and receive a systematic approach of acupressure to clear your meridians of stagnant Chi, this is followed by your limbs being maneuvered through a series of assisted stretches while your breath is synchronized with your therapist. A transformative and state altering experience! 


"Cupping has fast become one of the hottest holistic healing treatments due to its ability to reduce muscular tension and inflammation, increase blood and lymphatic flow locally and systemically, draw out stagnant blood and lymph, dead cellar debris, pathogenic factors and toxins, stimulate the body’s circulatory and immune system functions. Cupping doesn’t just feel amazing; it can also help with chronic pain, myofascial release, digestive issues, fatigue, sciatica and fibromyalgia, as well as mental health issues such as anxiety and depression."

*From the certifying body the International Cupping Therapy Association's website, CuppingTherapy.org 

Traditional Thai Massage | $133

90-Minute Massage | $155

75-Minute Massage | $133

60-Minute Massage | $111



Amber Danks with Embodied Mindfulness Coaching Client

Experience a relaxed and minimalistic approach to coaching. We bring together emotional literacy exercises, mindfulness, IFS (Internal Family Systems) and solution-focused techniques to bridge the gap between where you are and where you'd like to be. Whether it's working towards a goal or getting unstuck from a negative pattern that's no longer serving you, Embodied Mindfulness Coaching can bring you from a state of stress or confusion to a space of clarity and peace. Sessions are 75-minutes.



Amber Danks with Holistic Birthwork and Doula Client

There is a depth and transformation to growing a family that isn’t always talked about or supported in our culture. From the outside looking in.. it often looks simply magical and beautiful. And yet, what Amber personally experienced and has found with her clients is that, it is an incredibly nuanced experience and what is inherent in the journey into parenthood (along with all of the beauty and magic) is CHALLENGE and the UNKNOWN. Amber’s motivation in her work as a doula and childbirth educator isn’t to rescue anyone from all of their struggles but to better equip families and to help build resilience for whatever their journey presents. Amber’s intention is to guide you to those ways you already know how to face challenges and the unknown. As well as being a space holder and witness for it all.. this can look like showing up as physical, emotional and/or educational support at any part of the journey from conception, to birth, and the first years as a new parent. 

As a Holistic Doula and Mentor Amber’s offerings include, Prenatal and Postpartum Massage, Movement and Meditation Practices, Holistic Childbirth Educational Courses, and Labor & Postpartum Support. These services are meant to help you integrate your experience in your mind, your body, and your spirit. 

The combination of these services are absolutely customizable to you and your family and Amber works on a sliding scale. 

“Only someone who is ready for everything, who doesn’t exclude any experience, even the most incomprehensible, will live the relationship with another person as something alive and will themselves sound the depths of their own being.” -Rilke 

Yin Yoga


Amber Danks Massage Therapy and Cupping Services

This practice is close to the exact opposite of our daily lives, perhaps filled with non-stop thinking and doing. In Yin Yoga, we intentionally slow down and find a sense of stillness  within our body, mind, and breath so that we may become attuned to the status of our physical, energetic and psycho-emotional experience. This often goes unnoticed amidst the motion of our lives and external distractions.  

Through it’s meditative nature, Yin Yoga is a vehicle for cultivating embodied wisdom and compassion towards your whole self. 

We hold postures for minutes at a time, targeting our fascia and connective tissues surrounding our joints, while simultaneously stimulating our energetic channels that contain our Chi. We work with our breath to go deeper into our experience and allow our body and mind to release stagnation and tension.

This practice has changed Amber’s life and as she says at the end of every class.. it is truly an honor and a pleasure to share it with you!

View Amber’s Weekly Yin Yoga & Meditation Schedule.

Private sessions available.

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Serving the Long Beach and Orange County areas in-person and virtually world-wide.