Wellness Offerings


Bodywork | Coaching | Birthwork | Yoga & Meditation


Amber Danks Cupping



Massage Therapy with Amber is a unique blend of Eastern and Western modalities that curates an experience to move energetic stagnation and release physical tension held in the body. She incorporates conscious breathing, essential oils, clean and/or homemade massage products, and intention setting with her clients to add depth to their experience.

Amber Danks Coaching



Experience a relaxed and minimalistic approach to coaching. We bring together emotional literacy exercises, mindfulness, IFS (Internal Family Systems) and solution-focused techniques to bridge the gap between where you are and where you'd like to be. Coaching can bring you from a state of stress or confusion to a space of clarity and peace. 

Amber Danks in a Doula/Birthwork Session



There is a depth and transformation to growing a family that isn’t always talked about or supported in our culture. Doula services support you and your family physically, emotionally and/or educationally at any part of the journey from conception, to birth, and the first years as a new parent.

Amber Danks Yoga

Guided Yoga


In Yin Yoga, we intentionally slow down, find a sense of stillness within our body, mind, and breath, release stagnation and tension, and become attuned to our physical and energetic bodies. Through its meditative nature, Yin Yoga is a vehicle for cultivating embodied wisdom and compassion towards your whole self. 

“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” - Rumi

Community Offerings

Styled shelf with crystals and burning palo santo wood.

In-Person and Online Classes, Meditations, Workshops and More

Amber Danks

Headshot of Amber Danks

Amber Danks is passionate about serving her community holistically. She's a Certified Massage Therapist, Meditation Instructor, Birthworker, Embodied Mindfulness Coach and a practitioner and teacher of Yoga. 


Hands & Heart Embodied Wellness offers holistic health and wellness practices that incorporate the body, mind, and spirit. These resources aim to improve physical and emotional well-being through direct experience and interaction with the body. Explore these resources at your own pace.